Funny or Die Internship Spring 2019 Application

Undergraduate Internships

An internship is an opportunity to gain experience with a private, public or community organization. It is usually undertaken during a student's junior or senior year. An internship is required for a B.S. degree, but it is also an option for other students. An internship may provide means

  • To test an interest in a field of work
  • To gain work experience with a particular organization and to apply learned skills
  • To make appropriate contacts that would be helpful in establishing a future career

Internships may be a full-time or part-time experience for one or more semester. The number of earned credit hours will be by determined by the student and the Internship Coordinator. The internship program is coordinated and partially supervised through Gender & Women's Studies with cooperation from the agency supervisor. We highly encourage students to be active in choosing their own internship sites, and to allow at least six months for selection and application to an appropriate agency or organization.

Numerous kinds of internships are available. The Gender & Women's Studies Department maintains a list of community and state placement sites. The Memorial Library and the Career Development and Placement offices provide additional sources for internship possibilities. In addition, many women's support agencies are interested in working with Women's Studies majors and minors. Some of these agencies include victim assistance services, economic development, chemical dependency assistance, and career development programs.

Students will be expected to plan the goals and objectives of the internship with input from the agency supervisor and Internship Coordinator. During the course of the internship, students will keep a journal and evaluate the experience and the fulfillment of goals and objectives. Internship packets are available in Gender & Women's Studies Office, Morris Hall 109.

Students with specific skills such as business administration might, for example, be placed in a major corporation, or an art major might intern with a women's art registry. Depending on the needs and interests of the intern, she/he might choose a local, regional, national or international site for her/his internship.
The community and teaching internship handbooks can be found here:

  • Community Internship Handbook
  • Teaching Internship Handbook

Further information about Gender & Women's Studies degree programs is available from the Gender & Women's Studies office.

109 Morris Hall

Graduate Internships

An Internship is an opportunity to gain experience in a private, public, or community organization. Either a Community Internship or Teaching Internship is required in the M.S. program.

Community Internships

Both Undergraduate and Graduate students have the opportunity to complete either a teaching or community internship. A teaching internship would consist of being paired with a professor and leading your own section of a course. This would include creating a syllabus, finding course content and teaching the class. The other option is to fulfill a community internship. In a community internship you reach out to organizations in the Mankato area and spend 120 hours working in their organization. Whether you choose a community or teaching internship, you will gain valuable experience that will connect your own course work to real world experiences.

Community Internship handbook

Teaching Internship Spring 2019

Supervisor: Dr. Ana Perez
GWS 120 Gender and Violence
Teaching Intern: Sandra Nambangi Kruch

My teaching internship began in January 2019 and goes on to the end of the Spring semester. My supervisor is Dr. Ana Perez and I assist her in teaching the undergraduate course GWS 120 Gender and Violence. For someone who expects to become an educator with a strong belief in advocacy and ending gender violence, this is a very exciting way of getting training both in the field of teaching on violent topics, and in dealing with survivors of gender violence. Some of my duties as Dr. Perez's intern involve: being present in every class meeting and taking notes on everything; I create and bring sign-up sheets for recording attendance of each student; I act as Dr. Perez's backup teacher when the occasion arises, I grade assignments, quizzes and tests; above all, I prepare the lesson and teach a number of classes as required by the department for this internship. At the end of this internship, I will have gathered, demonstrated and applied knowledge of feminist thought and research method. Most importantly, this internship helps to develop my professional and activist skills, as well as my professional writing and speaking skills. This is one awesome way of acquiring practical skills in my field of interest which is Gendered Violence.

Teaching Internship Handbook


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