Wow Thats Weird Dont Spray That Again Please

The default conversation bike limerick.

The Chat Bike is an in-game interface tool for quickly sending messages to teammates. Past holding downward the assigned hotkey, moving the mouse in any of the eight directions and releasing the hotkey, a predetermined message gets sent to the team chat. Players are able to change the messages in the Chat Wheel to whatsoever of the 87 available phrases. The Chat Wheel tin also be used to send emoticons and graphical sprays.

Dota Plus subscribers can equip sound effects, emoticons, and hero-specific lines, which are earned by leveling upwards the corresponding hero.


  • 1 Usage
  • 2 Phrases
    • 2.1 Positioning
    • 2.ii Status
    • 2.three Enemy
    • 2.4 Lane
    • 2.v Items
    • 2.6 Neutrals
    • 2.vii Misc
    • 2.eight Flavor
    • ii.9 The International 2017
    • ii.10 The International 2018
      • 2.ten.ane Audio
      • 2.10.2 Sprays
    • ii.xi The International 2019
      • 2.eleven.i Audio
      • 2.eleven.2 Sprays
    • two.12 The International 10
      • 2.12.1 Audio
      • 2.12.ii Sprays
    • ii.13 Nemestice 2021
      • 2.13.ane Audio
      • ii.thirteen.2 Sprays
    • 2.fourteen Frostivus
    • 2.fifteen New Bloom
    • two.sixteen Diretide 2020
      • Audio
      • 2.16.2 Sprays
    • 2.17 Unlisted
  • 3 References

Usage [ ]

To transport a message using the Chat Wheel, hold down the hotkey and move your mouse in any of the viii given directions. When you lot release the Hotkey , the message will be sent to your teammates. Messages sent from the Chat Bike have a ▶ distinctive arrow in front end of them and announced in players' local language setting, making information technology an invaluable tool for communicating with players who do not speak your linguistic communication. Muted players tin can still use the Chat Bike.

To change the phrases or the Conversation Wheel hotkey, navigate to the CONTROLS tab of the OPTIONS screen and click Chat . It is likewise possible to bind individual Hotkeys to the default Chat Wheel phrases there.

Phrases [ ]

Sample output from the chat wheel.

In that location are currently 87 available phrases. This table lists them, as well as their Console equivalent.

By using the bind <hotkey> "<console_command_in_quotes>" control in console, it is also possible to create Hotkeys for non-default phrases, e.1000. demark k "chatwheel_say one" to make One thousand output ▶ Careful! in chat.

Positioning [ ]

Phrase Console Commands
Careful! chatwheel_say one
Get Dorsum! chatwheel_say 2
Stun now! chatwheel_say 4
Button now chatwheel_say 6
Become! chatwheel_say 12
Initiate! chatwheel_say 13
Follow me chatwheel_say 14
Grouping up chatwheel_say 15
Spread out chatwheel_say sixteen
Dissever up and farm chatwheel_say 17
Assail now! chatwheel_say xviii
Be right back chatwheel_say 19
Dive! chatwheel_say xx
On my manner chatwheel_say 21
Go set up chatwheel_say 22
Bait chatwheel_say 23

Status [ ]

Phrase Panel Commands
Help! chatwheel_say five
Heal chatwheel_say 24
Mana chatwheel_say 25
Out of mana chatwheel_say 26
Skills on cooldown chatwheel_say 27
Ultimate set chatwheel_say 28

Enemy [ ]

Phrase Console Commands

The message adapts when used while in one of the lanes.
Triggers a vocalisation line from the hero.

chatwheel_say 8
Missing summit!

(Does not trigger vocalization lines.)

chatwheel_say 9
Missing mid!

(Does not trigger voice lines.)

chatwheel_say ten
Missing bottom!

(Does not trigger voice lines.)

chatwheel_say eleven
Enemy returned chatwheel_say 29
All enemy heroes missing! chatwheel_say 30
Enemy incoming! chatwheel_say 31
Invisible enemy nearby! chatwheel_say 32
Enemy has rune chatwheel_say 33
I'm retreating chatwheel_say 78

Lane [ ]

Phrase Console command Comments
Divide push chatwheel_say 34
Coming to gank chatwheel_say 35
Requesting a gank chatwheel_say 36
Fight under the tower chatwheel_say 37
Deny the tower! chatwheel_say 38
Destroy the tower, then get back chatwheel_say 81
Destroy the barracks, then get back chatwheel_say 82

Items [ ]

Phrase Console command Comments
We demand wards. chatwheel_say three
Buy a courier please chatwheel_say 39 Not functional anymore
Can anyone upgrade the courier? chatwheel_say 40 Not functional anymore
We need detection chatwheel_say 41
They accept detection chatwheel_say 42
Purchase a Town Portal Ringlet chatwheel_say 43
Re-use courier chatwheel_say 44 Non functional anymore
Deward please chatwheel_say 45
Building Mekansm chatwheel_say 46
Building Pipe of Insight chatwheel_say 47
Let's smoke gank! chatwheel_say 59
What should I buy? chatwheel_say 77
Ward the bottom rune chatwheel_say 83
Ward the meridian rune chatwheel_say 84

Neutrals [ ]

Phrase Console control Comments
Stack and pull please chatwheel_say 48
Pull creeps please chatwheel_say 49
Pulling creeps chatwheel_say 50
Stack neutrals chatwheel_say 51
Jungling chatwheel_say 52
Roshan chatwheel_say 53

Misc [ ]

Phrase Panel command Comments
Okay. chatwheel_say 0
Affirmative chatwheel_say 54
Negative chatwheel_say 231
Wait chatwheel_say 55
Non Nonetheless chatwheel_say 232
Pause please! chatwheel_say 56
*Current Game Time* chatwheel_say 57 Prints the current time in MM:SS format. Can besides exist activated by Alt-clicking the game clock at the top of the screen.
Check runes please chatwheel_say 58
Zeus ult now! chatwheel_say 85
*Day/Night fourth dimension remaining* chatwheel_say 111 Prints the remaining time left (MM:SS format) for the electric current day/night bicycle. Can besides be activated by Ctrl-Alt-clicking the game clock at the top of the screen.

Flavour [ ]

Phrase Console command Comments
Well played! chatwheel_say vii
Good luck, have fun chatwheel_say 60
Prissy chatwheel_say 61
Thank you! chatwheel_say 62 Triggers hero voice lines.
Pitiful chatwheel_say 63
Don't give up! chatwheel_say 64
That just happened chatwheel_say 65
Game is hard chatwheel_say 66
New meta chatwheel_say 67
My bad chatwheel_say 68
I immediately regret my conclusion chatwheel_say 69
Relax, you're doing fine chatwheel_say 70
Good game chatwheel_say 73
Good game, well played chatwheel_say 74
(All) Good game chatwheel_say 75 This will trigger the forfeit choice in a private vestibule.
(All) Practiced game, well played chatwheel_say 76 This volition trigger the forfeit option in a private lobby.
Space created chatwheel_say 79
Whoops chatwheel_say fourscore

The International 2017 [ ]

These special audio lines are simply bachelor to owners of The International 2017 Battle Pass. Mouseover lines for English translations.

Boxing Laissez passer Level Console command Lines
  • chatwheel_say 86
  • chatwheel_say 87
  • chatwheel_say 88
  • chatwheel_say 89
  • chatwheel_say ninety
  • ▶️ Ba-dum tishh
  • ▶️ Charge
  • ▶️ Frog
  • ▶️ Crash and burn down
  • ▶️ ▶️ Applause
  • chatwheel_say 91
  • chatwheel_say 92
  • chatwheel_say 93
  • chatwheel_say 94
  • chatwheel_say 95
  • ▶️ Deplorable trombone
  • ▶️ Crickets
  • ▶️ Drum roll
  • ▶️ Headshake
  • ▶️ Crybaby
  • chatwheel_say 96
  • chatwheel_say 97
  • chatwheel_say 98
  • ▶️ Patience from Zhou
  • ▶️ 玩不了啦! [one]
  • ▶️ Боже, ты посмотри вокруг, что происходит!
  • chatwheel_say 99
  • chatwheel_say 100
  • chatwheel_say 101
  • ▶️ Waow
  • ▶️ 破两路更好打,是吧?
  • ▶️ Жил до конца, умер как герой
  • chatwheel_say 102
  • chatwheel_say 103
  • chatwheel_say 104
  • ▶️ They're all dead!
  • ▶️ 天火!
  • ▶️ Ай-ай-ай-ай-ай, что сейчас произошло! [2]
  • chatwheel_say 105
  • chatwheel_say 106
  • chatwheel_say 107
  • ▶️ Barbarous. Barbarous. Rekt.[iii]
  • ▶️ 加油!
  • ▶️ Это ГГ
  • chatwheel_say 108
  • chatwheel_say 109
  • chatwheel_say 110
  • ▶️ It's a disastah!
  • ▶️ 走好,不送
  • ▶️ Это. Просто. Нечто.
  • N/A
  • ▶️ Sproing

The International 2018 [ ]

Audio [ ]

These special sound lines are but bachelor to owners of The International 2018 Battle Pass. Mouseover lines for English translations.

Battle Pass Level Pack Name Console command Lines
24 Sound Pack 1 (2017)
  • chatwheel_say 86
  • chatwheel_say 87
  • chatwheel_say 88
  • chatwheel_say 89
  • chatwheel_say xc
  • ▶️ Ba-dum tishh
  • ▶️ Charge
  • ▶️ Frog
  • ▶️ Crash and fire
  • ▶️ ▶️ Adulation
95 Sound Pack 2
  • chatwheel_say 131
  • chatwheel_say 132
  • chatwheel_say 133
  • chatwheel_say 134
  • chatwheel_say 135
  • chatwheel_say 136
  • ▶️ Bock bock
  • ▶️ Buss
  • ▶️ Oww
  • ▶️ Political party horn
  • ▶️ Snore
  • ▶️ Yahoo
156 Pulley Pack i
  • chatwheel_say 112
  • chatwheel_say 113
  • chatwheel_say 114
  • ▶️ You lot're a goddamn hero!
  • ▶️ Красавчик!
  • ▶️ 这波不亏, 666
200 Audio Pack 3 (2017)
  • chatwheel_say 91
  • chatwheel_say 92
  • chatwheel_say 93
  • chatwheel_say 94
  • chatwheel_say 95
  • ▶️ Sad trombone
  • ▶️ Crickets
  • ▶️ Drum roll
  • ▶️ Headshake
  • ▶️ Crybaby
262 Caster Pack ii
  • chatwheel_say 115
  • chatwheel_say 116
  • chatwheel_say 117
  • ▶️ That's playing to win, infant![four]
  • ▶️ Боже, как это больно!
  • ▶️ 这就是高富帅啊
308 Caster Pack 3
  • chatwheel_say 118
  • chatwheel_say 119
  • chatwheel_say 120
  • ▶️ I...uh...That was questionable at the best.[five]
  • ▶️ Ой-ой-ой-ой-ой, бежать!
  • ▶️ 葫芦娃救爷爷
357 Caster Pack iv
  • chatwheel_say 121
  • chatwheel_say 122
  • chatwheel_say 123
  • ▶️ I can't believe what we're seeing. What just happened?
  • ▶️ Это ненормально, это нечестно!
  • ▶️ 你气不气?
392 Caster Pack 5 (2017)
  • chatwheel_say 96
  • chatwheel_say 99
  • chatwheel_say 102
  • chatwheel_say 105
  • chatwheel_say 108
  • chatwheel_say 97
  • chatwheel_say 100
  • chatwheel_say 103
  • chatwheel_say 106
  • chatwheel_say 109
  • chatwheel_say 98
  • chatwheel_say 101
  • chatwheel_say 104
  • chatwheel_say 107
  • chatwheel_say 110
  • ▶️ Patience from Zhou
  • ▶️ Waow
  • ▶️ They're all dead!
  • ▶️ Brutal. Savage. Rekt.[3]
  • ▶️ It's a disastah!
  • ▶️ 玩不了啦! [ane]
  • ▶️ 破两路更好打,是吧?
  • ▶️ 天火!
  • ▶️ 加油!
  • ▶️ 走好,不送
  • ▶️ Боже, ты посмотри вокруг, что происходит!
  • ▶️ Жил до конца, умер как герой
  • ▶️ Ай-ай-ай-ай-ай, что сейчас произошло! [2]
  • ▶️ Это ГГ
  • ▶️ Это. Просто. Нечто.
457 Pulley Pack 6
  • chatwheel_say 124
  • chatwheel_say 125
  • chatwheel_say 126
  • ▶️ Oh my lord!
  • ▶️ Как же это сочно, ах!
  • ▶️ 啊,队友呢?队友呢?队友呢?!队友呢?!?!
1205 Epic Caster Pack
  • chatwheel_say 152
  • chatwheel_say 153
  • chatwheel_say 154
  • chatwheel_say 155
  • chatwheel_say 156
  • ▶️ Easiest money of my life!
  • ▶️ Echo Slamma Jamma!
  • ▶️ The adjacent level play!
  • ▶️ Oyoy oy oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy!
  • ▶️ Lakad Matataaag! Normalin, Normalin.

Sprays [ ]

  • ▶️ Sprays could also exist equipped in the chat wheel.
  • The Dota two logo spray gets replaced by the selected favourite team'south logo.
Battle Laissez passer Level Panel command Sprays
1 chatwheel_say 157 Spray Default.png
26 chatwheel_say 137 TI8 Spray Liltree Happy.png
48 chatwheel_say 138 TI8 Spray Furbolg Highfive.png
77 chatwheel_say 139 TI8 Spray Monkey Zen.png
136 chatwheel_say 140 TI8 Spray Tide Thumbsup.png
182 chatwheel_say 141 TI8 Spray Lion Xd.png
236 chatwheel_say 142 TI8 Spray Bear Cry.png
285 chatwheel_say 143 TI8 Spray Sf Shrug.png
322 chatwheel_say 144 TI8 Spray Liltree Sad.png
353 chatwheel_say 145 TI8 Spray Lina Angry.png
498 chatwheel_say 146 TI8 Spray Shaker Confus.png
606 chatwheel_say 147 TI8 Spray Mirana Shh.png
705 chatwheel_say 148 TI8 Spray Naturesprophet O O.png
812 chatwheel_say 149 TI8 Spray Invoker Smart.png
1116 chatwheel_say 150 TI8 Spray Pudge Nailedit.png
1875 chatwheel_say 151 TI8 Spray Monkeyking Monkeychamp.png

The International 2019 [ ]

Audio [ ]

These special audio lines are only available to owners of The International 2019 Battle Pass. Mouseover lines for English language translations.

Battle Pass Level Pack Proper noun Console control Lines
44 Sound Pack 1
  • chatwheel_say 165
  • chatwheel_say 166
  • chatwheel_say 167
  • chatwheel_say 168
  • ▶️ Kookabura Laugh
  • ▶️ Monkey Business organisation
  • ▶️ Sloppy Orangutan Buss
  • ▶️ Mosquito Buzz
96 Caster Pack 1
  • chatwheel_say 175
  • chatwheel_say 176
  • chatwheel_say 177
  • ▶️ Absolutely Perfect
  • ▶️ Резать Резать Резать Резать
  • ▶️ 干嘛呢兄弟
100 Evolving Chat Bike
  • chatwheel_say 230
  • ▶️ ▶️ Ceeeb*
156 Audio Pack 2
  • chatwheel_say 169
  • chatwheel_say 170
  • chatwheel_say 171
  • chatwheel_say 172
  • ▶️ Crowd Groan
  • ▶️ Head Bonk
  • ▶️ Record Scratch
  • ▶️ Ta Daaaaaa
200 Caster Pack ii
  • chatwheel_say 178
  • chatwheel_say 179
  • chatwheel_say 180
  • ▶️ Allow's Play Some Dota
  • ▶️ Какой же ты бешеный, а
  • ▶️ 拜托谁去杀了他吧
262 Caster Pack 3
  • chatwheel_say 181
  • chatwheel_say 182
  • chatwheel_say 183
  • ▶️ Information technology'southward looking Spicy!
  • ▶️ Это уже попахивает фидом
  • ▶️ 漂~ 亮!
313 Sound Pack (2017)
  • chatwheel_say 96
  • chatwheel_say 97
  • chatwheel_say 98
  • chatwheel_say 99
  • chatwheel_say 100
  • chatwheel_say 101
  • chatwheel_say 102
  • chatwheel_say 103
  • chatwheel_say 104
  • chatwheel_say 105
  • chatwheel_say 106
  • chatwheel_say 107
  • chatwheel_say 108
  • chatwheel_say 109
  • chatwheel_say 110
  • ▶️ Patience from Zhou
  • ▶️ Waow
  • ▶️ They're all dead!
  • ▶️ Savage. Barbarous. Rekt.[iii]
  • ▶️ [All] It's a disastah!
  • ▶️ Боже, ты посмотри вокруг, что происходит!
  • ▶️ Жил до конца, умер как герой
  • ▶️ Ай-ай-ай-ай-ай, что сейчас произошло! [two]
  • ▶️ Это ГГ
  • ▶️ [All] Это. Просто. Нечто.
  • ▶️ 玩不了啦! [1]
  • ▶️ 破两路更好打,是吧?
  • ▶️ 天火!
  • ▶️ 加油!
  • ▶️ [All] 走好,不送
357 Caster Pack 4
  • chatwheel_say 184
  • chatwheel_say 185
  • chatwheel_say 186
  • ▶️ This guy has no chill[half dozen]
  • ▶️ Вот Это Врыв!
  • ▶️ 脸都秀歪啦
392 Audio Pack (2018)
  • chatwheel_say 112
  • chatwheel_say 113
  • chatwheel_say 114
  • chatwheel_say 115
  • chatwheel_say 116
  • chatwheel_say 117
  • chatwheel_say 118
  • chatwheel_say 119
  • chatwheel_say 120
  • chatwheel_say 121
  • chatwheel_say 122
  • chatwheel_say 123
  • chatwheel_say 124
  • chatwheel_say 125
  • chatwheel_say 126
  • ▶️ Y'all're a goddamn hero!
  • ▶️ That's playing to win, baby![4]
  • ▶️ I...uh...That was questionable at the best.[v]
  • ▶️ [All] I can't believe what we're seeing. What merely happened?
  • ▶️ [All] Oh my lord!
  • ▶️ Красавчик!
  • ▶️ Боже, как это больно!
  • ▶️ Ой-ой-ой-ой-ой, бежать!
  • ▶️ [All] Это ненормально, это нечестно!
  • ▶️ [All] Как же это сочно, ах!
  • ▶️ 这波不亏, 666
  • ▶️ 这就是高富帅啊
  • ▶️ 葫芦娃救爷爷
  • ▶️ [All] 你气不气?
  • ▶️ [All] 啊,队友呢?队友呢?队友呢?!队友呢?!?!
457 Caster Pack 5
  • chatwheel_say 187
  • chatwheel_say 188
  • chatwheel_say 189
  • ▶️ [All] Ding Ding Ding Mother******
  • ▶️ [All] Да? Да? Да? Нет.
  • ▶️ [All] 再见了宝贝儿!
665 Ballsy Caster Pack 1 (2018)
  • chatwheel_say 152
  • chatwheel_say 153
  • chatwheel_say 154
  • chatwheel_say 155
  • chatwheel_say 156
  • ▶️ [All] Easiest money of my life!
  • ▶️ [All] Repeat Slamma Jamma!
  • ▶️ [All] The next level play!
  • ▶️ [All] Oyoy oy oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy!
  • ▶️ [All] Lakad Matataaag! Normalin, Normalin.
785 Epic Caster Pack two
  • chatwheel_say 190
  • chatwheel_say 191
  • chatwheel_say 192
  • chatwheel_say 193
  • chatwheel_say 194
  • chatwheel_say 195
  • chatwheel_say 196
  • chatwheel_say 197
  • ▶️ [All] Sir Chef. Goodness Gracious Palpable.
  • ▶️ [All] NAKUPUU
  • ▶️ [All] Yous know what'southward cooking? BOOM!
  • ▶️ [All] I judge the probability of winning to be above 99%.
  • ▶️ [All] Eughahaha Aah Ha Ha Ha Ha
  • ▶️ I'm not aroused, I'thou Only Disappointed.
  • ▶️ [All] I estimate the probability of winning to be to a higher place i%.
  • ▶️ [All] I guess the probability of winning to be 17%.
1205 Korean Caster Pack
  • chatwheel_say 224
  • chatwheel_say 225
  • chatwheel_say 226
  • chatwheel_say 227
  • chatwheel_say 228
  • chatwheel_say 229
  • ▶️ [All] 네, 노, 네, 노 노 노! [7]
  • ▶️ [All] 스캔 돌려야 되요 따라란따란따라라라란 스캔 돌려야 된다고요! [viii]
  • ▶️ [All] Mommy! I got me! Immortality![9]
  • ▶️ Roshan! Roshan! Roshan![10]
  • ▶️ [All] 골드 부활 못 해! YOLO! 골드 부활 못 해! YOLO! [11]
  • ▶️ [All] 10억짜리 꿈의 고리! 15억짜리 꿈의 고리! [12]
- Unused
  • chatwheel_say 199
  • chatwheel_say 200
  • chatwheel_say 202
  • chatwheel_say 203
  • chatwheel_say 204
  • [All] Once again, splendid work
  • [All] I'm not sure what the indicate of that was
  • Commend this human being, immediately.
  • [All] Oh My God! Never in all my years as a pulley
  • [All] That Just Happened

* This line grows longer for every 100 levels of the Boxing Pass.

Sprays [ ]

  • Click on a spray to enlarge.
Boxing Pass Level Console control Sprays
Team Logo
chatwheel_say 157 Spray Default.png
26 chatwheel_say 205 TI9 Spray Jump.png
48 chatwheel_say 206 TI9 Spray Dunno.png
68 chatwheel_say 222 TI9 Spray Dirt Nap.png
84 chatwheel_say 207 TI9 Spray Strength.png
126 chatwheel_say 208 TI9 Spray Hidden.png
180 chatwheel_say 209 TI9 Spray Kiss.png
218 chatwheel_say 223 TI9 Spray Bananaphone.png
236 chatwheel_say 210 TI9 Spray Dunk.png
285 chatwheel_say 211 TI9 Spray Magic.png
322 chatwheel_say 212 TI9 Spray ChooChoo.png
353 chatwheel_say 213 TI9 Spray Dagoned.png
363 chatwheel_say 214 TI9 Spray Winner.png
412 chatwheel_say 215 TI9 Spray Loser.png
496 chatwheel_say 216 TI9 Spray Snowball.png
522 chatwheel_say 217 TI9 Spray Riches.png
573 chatwheel_say 218 TI9 Spray Ice Cream.png
606 chatwheel_say 219 TI9 Spray Zap.png
705 chatwheel_say 220 TI9 Spray Funny Bear.png
812 chatwheel_say 221 TI9 Spray Egg.png
Unused - TI9 Spray Slark.png

The International 10 [ ]

Audio [ ]

These special audio lines are only bachelor to owners of The International 10 Battle Pass. Mouseover lines for English translations.

Battle Pass Level Pack Name Panel control Lines
46 Sound Pack one
  • chatwheel_say 255
  • chatwheel_say 256
  • chatwheel_say 257
  • ▶️ Boing
  • ▶️ Moo
  • ▶️ Orchestra Hit
94 Caster Pack i
  • chatwheel_say 263
  • chatwheel_say 264
  • chatwheel_say 265
  • ▶️ Holy Moly!
  • ▶️ Такая халява...Ха! [13]
  • ▶️ 我是一个没有感情的刷钱机器
100 Evolving Chat Cycle
  • chatwheel_say 230
  • ▶️ ▶️ Ceeeb*
140 Sound Pack two
  • chatwheel_say 258
  • chatwheel_say 259
  • chatwheel_say 260
  • ▶️ Heehaw
  • ▶️ Oops
  • ▶️ WoopWoo
203 Caster Pack ii
  • chatwheel_say 266
  • chatwheel_say 267
  • chatwheel_say 268
  • ▶️ Oh my god. What? Oh! Oh! [14]
  • ▶️ Ё! А? А? Что?! [fifteen]
  • ▶️ 你行你行,你上你上
272 Caster Pack 3
  • chatwheel_say 269
  • chatwheel_say 270
  • chatwheel_say 271
  • ▶️ Coming through with the wooooo [16]
  • ▶️ А нет, нет, ДА!
  • ▶️ 毁天灭地, NICE啊!
395 Caster Pack 4
  • chatwheel_say 272
  • chatwheel_say 273
  • chatwheel_say 274
  • ▶️ What the **** just happened?
  • ▶️ Ух, это такая душка!
  • ▶️ 来,你打我呀!
485 Caster Pack 5
  • chatwheel_say 275
  • chatwheel_say 276
  • chatwheel_say 277
  • ▶️ See yous later nerds
  • ▶️ Что это?! Какая жесть!
  • ▶️ 跳走了
545 Pulley Pack 6
  • chatwheel_say 278
  • chatwheel_say 279
  • chatwheel_say 280
  • ▶️ At that place is goose egg that can cease this man
  • ▶️ А ну-ка иди-ка сюда. А вот все. Все.
  • ▶️ [All] 唉唉唉!唉?唉 …
655 Legacy Pulley Pack
  • chatwheel_say 112
  • chatwheel_say 113
  • chatwheel_say 114
  • chatwheel_say 115
  • chatwheel_say 116
  • chatwheel_say 122
  • chatwheel_say 118
  • chatwheel_say 119
  • chatwheel_say 120
  • chatwheel_say 121
  • chatwheel_say 130
  • chatwheel_say 173
  • chatwheel_say 174
  • chatwheel_say 175
  • chatwheel_say 176
  • chatwheel_say 177
  • chatwheel_say 178
  • chatwheel_say 179
  • chatwheel_say 180
  • chatwheel_say 181
  • chatwheel_say 182
  • chatwheel_say 183
  • chatwheel_say 211
  • chatwheel_say 212
  • chatwheel_say 213
  • chatwheel_say 214
  • chatwheel_say 215
  • chatwheel_say 216
  • chatwheel_say 217
  • chatwheel_say 218
  • chatwheel_say 219
  • chatwheel_say 220
  • chatwheel_say 221
  • ▶️ That's playing to win, babe![4]
  • ▶️ Roughshod. Savage. Rekt.[3]
  • ▶️ Absolutely Perfect
  • ▶️ It'southward looking Spicy!
  • ▶️ This guy has no chill[6]
  • ▶️ Let's Play Some Dota
  • ▶️ Waow
  • ▶️ You lot're a goddamn hero!
  • ▶️ I can't believe what we're seeing. What simply happened?
  • ▶️ They're all dead!
  • ▶️ [All] Ding Ding Ding Mother******
  • ▶️ Ай-ай-ай-ай-ай, что сейчас произошло! [2]
  • ▶️ Это ГГ
  • ▶️ Ой-ой-ой-ой-ой, бежать!
  • ▶️ [All] Как же это сочно, ах!
  • ▶️ [All] Да? Да? Да? Нет.
  • ▶️ Вот Это Врыв!
  • ▶️ Резать Резать Резать Резать
  • ▶️ [All] Это ненормально, это нечестно!
  • ▶️ Красавчик!
  • ▶️ [All] Это. Просто. Нечто.
  • ▶️ Жил до конца, умер как герой
  • ▶️ [All] 你气不气?
  • ▶️ [All] 再见了宝贝儿!
  • ▶️ [All] 啊,队友呢?队友呢?队友呢?!队友呢?!?!
  • ▶️ 漂~ 亮!
  • ▶️ 天火!
  • ▶️ 干嘛呢兄弟
  • ▶️ 脸都秀歪啦
  • ▶️ 这波不亏, 666
  • ▶️ 加油!
  • ▶️ [All] 走好,不送
  • ▶️ 玩不了啦! [ane]
1245 Legacy Epic Pack
  • chatwheel_say 190
  • chatwheel_say 191
  • chatwheel_say 192
  • chatwheel_say 194
  • chatwheel_say 193
  • chatwheel_say 195
  • chatwheel_say 224
  • chatwheel_say 225
  • chatwheel_say 226
  • chatwheel_say 228
  • chatwheel_say 229
  • chatwheel_say 229
  • chatwheel_say 152
  • chatwheel_say 153
  • chatwheel_say 154
  • chatwheel_say 155
  • chatwheel_say 156
  • ▶️ [All] Sir Chief. Goodness Gracious Palpable.
  • ▶️ [All] NAKUPUU
  • ▶️ [All] You know what'southward cooking? Boom!
  • ▶️ [All] Eughahaha Aah Ha Ha Ha Ha
  • ▶️ [All] I estimate the probability of winning to be in a higher place 99%.
  • ▶️ I'm not angry, I'yard Just Disappointed.
  • ▶️ [All] 네, 노, 네, 노 노 노! [7]
  • ▶️ [All] 스캔 돌려야 되요 따라란따란따라라라란 스캔 돌려야 된다고요! [8]
  • ▶️ [All] Mommy! I got me! Immortality![9]
  • ▶️ [All] 골드 부활 못 해! YOLO! 골드 부활 못 해! YOLO! [11]
  • ▶️ [All] 10억짜리 꿈의 고리! 15억짜리 꿈의 고리! [12]
  • ▶️ Roshan! Roshan! Roshan![x]
  • ▶️ [All] Easiest coin of my life!
  • ▶️ [All] Echo Slamma Jamma!
  • ▶️ [All] The adjacent level play!
  • ▶️ [All] Oyoy oy oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy!
  • ▶️ [All] Lakad Matataaag! Normalin, Normalin.

* This line grows longer for every 100 levels of the Boxing Pass.

Sprays [ ]

Battle Laissez passer Level Panel command Sprays
24 chatwheel_say 235 TI10 Spray grim happy tree.png
56 chatwheel_say 236 TI10 Spray jugg.png
106 chatwheel_say 237 TI10 Spray mars fightme.png
163 chatwheel_say 238 TI10 Spray morphling.png
236 chatwheel_say 239 TI10 Spray ogre think.png
266 chatwheel_say 240 TI10 Spray rubick.png
292 chatwheel_say 241 TI10 Spray sven.png
313 chatwheel_say 242 TI10 Spray techies barrel.png
353 chatwheel_say 243 TI10 Spray wisp strong.png
405 chatwheel_say 244 TI10 Spray wraith king cdi.png
455 chatwheel_say 245 TI10 Spray chicken.png
515 chatwheel_say 246 TI10 Spray dark willow wow.png
557 chatwheel_say 247 TI10 Spray invoker sunstrike.png
612 chatwheel_say 248 TI10 Spray jakiro.png
665 chatwheel_say 249 TI10 Spray np popcorn.png
725 chatwheel_say 250 TI10 Spray roshan cheese.png
785 chatwheel_say 251 TI10 Spray snapfire cookie.png
875 chatwheel_say 252 TI10 Spray kotl mana.png
955 chatwheel_say 253 TI10 Spray undying rip.png
1305 chatwheel_say 254 TI10 Spray troll loser.png

Nemestice 2021 [ ]

Audio [ ]

These special audio lines are only available to owners of the Nemestice 2021 Battle Pass. Mouseover lines for English translations.

Boxing Pass Level Console Command Sprays
58/78/94/114/148 chatwheel_say 354 ▶️ Banjo Accuse
58/78/94/114/148 chatwheel_say 355 ▶️ Choo Choo
58/78/94/114/148 chatwheel_say 356 ▶️ Gong
58/78/94/114/148 chatwheel_say 357 ▶️ Slide
58/78/94/114/148 chatwheel_say 358 ▶️ Uh Oh

Sprays [ ]

Boxing Pass Level Console Control Sprays
9 chatwheel_say 334 Nemestice 2021 Spray ti11 alchemist.png
34 chatwheel_say 335 TI10 Spray ti11 arc warden.png
48 chatwheel_say 336 TI10 Spray ti11 brewmaster.png
88 chatwheel_say 337 TI10 Spray ti11 darkseer 1.png
135 chatwheel_say 338 TI10 Spray ti11 doomzeus.png
144 chatwheel_say 339 TI10 Spray ti11 hoodwink.png
168 chatwheel_say 340 TI10 Spray ti11 lich.png
192 chatwheel_say 341 TI10 Spray ti11 necrophos.png
230 chatwheel_say 342 TI10 Spray ti11 pangolier.png
323 chatwheel_say 343 TI10 Spray ti11 phantom assassin.png
Unused Due north/A TI10 Spray ti11 dawnbreaker.png
TI10 Spray ti11 phantom lancer.png
TI10 Spray ti11 pudge.png
TI10 Spray ti11 shadow demon.png
TI10 Spray ti11 shadow shaman.png
TI10 Spray ti11 shopkeeper.png
TI10 Spray ti11 spectre.png
TI10 Spray ti11 tusk.png
TI10 Spray ti11 visage.png
TI10 Spray ti11 void spirit.png

Frostivus [ ]

These special audio lines are just bachelor during Frostivus.

Console control Lines
  • chatwheel_say 161
  • ▶️ Sleighbells
  • chatwheel_say 159
  • ▶️ Sparkling Celebration
  • chatwheel_say 158
  • ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ Greevil Laughter
  • chatwheel_say 160
  • ▶️ Frostivus Magic
  • chatwheel_say 233
  • ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ Happy Penguin

New Bloom [ ]

These special sound lines are simply available during New Bloom events.

Panel command Lines
  • chatwheel_say 162
  • ▶️ Formalism Drums
  • chatwheel_say 163
  • ▶️ Oink Oink!
  • chatwheel_say 164
  • ▶️ [All] Celebratory Gong
  • chatwheel_say 234
  • ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ Pop pop pop!

Diretide 2020 [ ]

Audio [ ]

These special audio lines are only available during Diretide 2020.

Console control Lines
  • chatwheel_say 287
  • ▶️ Black True cat
  • chatwheel_say 288
  • ▶️ Ghost
  • chatwheel_say 289
  • ▶️ Nightmare
  • chatwheel_say 290
  • ▶️ Scream
  • chatwheel_say 291
  • ▶️ Stabby
  • chatwheel_say 292
  • ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ Express joy
  • chatwheel_say 309
  • ▶️ Candy From A Baby
  • chatwheel_say 310
  • ▶️ Moon Drives You
  • chatwheel_say 311
  • ▶️ Ane past One
  • chatwheel_say 312
  • ▶️ Gloat
  • chatwheel_say 313
  • ▶️ Something Dire
  • chatwheel_say 314
  • ▶️ Woods Begin
  • chatwheel_say 315
  • ▶️ Reap Your Harvest

Sprays [ ]

Console command Sprays
chatwheel_say 293 Diretide Spray Apple.png
chatwheel_say 294 Diretide Spray Boo.png
chatwheel_say 295 Diretide Spray Brood.png
chatwheel_say 296 Diretide Spray BS.png
chatwheel_say 297 Diretide Spray Cat.png
chatwheel_say 298 Diretide Spray DP.png
chatwheel_say 299 Diretide Spray Gummy.png
chatwheel_say 306 Diretide Spray Lycan.png
chatwheel_say 307 Diretide Spray Roshan.png
chatwheel_say 308 Diretide Spray Taffy.png

Unlisted [ ]

Quick chat lines for missing enemies.

Quick chat line for particular purchases.

Quick chat lines for ability status.

The following phrases tin only be triggered through other ways than the Chat Cycle. The game will automatically fill in which item, hero, or ability based on what was clicked. They do not have console commands associated with them.

Phrase Activating
Missing Status
Hero is missing! Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an enemy hero's portrait at the peak of the screen.
Hero has returned! Ctrl + Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an enemy hero's portrait at the elevation of the screen.
Enemy Hero volition respawn in x seconds! Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an enemy hero's portrait at the tiptop of the screen, that is currently expressionless.
I volition respawn in 10 seconds! Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click your respawn timer, either where the wellness bar is, or at the superlative of the screen.
Abilities and Items
I will purchase ▶ Detail Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an detail in the store.
Demand x gold for Item Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an detail set in Quick Buy without having enough Gold Gold to buy it.
I have plenty gold for Particular Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an detail set in Quick Buy with plenty Gilded Gold to purchase information technology.
Ability/Item ▶ Ready ( Level Level ) Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an power or item icon.
  • It has to be set up for this bulletin to appear. When clicking on an power icon, the level will exist shown.
Ability/Item ▶ On Cooldown ( x seconds remain ) Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an power or item icon.
  • It has to be on Cooldown symbol.png cooldown for this message to announced.
Ability/Particular ▶ Non Enough Mana Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an ability or item icon. Yous need to accept bereft mana and the power or particular must not be on Cooldown symbol.png cooldown for this message to announced.
Ability ▶ Not Learned Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an power icon for an power that you accept non learned yet.
Beware HeroAbility Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an ability icon of an enemy hero.
Enemy Hero has ▶ Particular Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click an detail in an enemy hero'south inventory. This line may also be triggered on an enemy courier.
Hero Status
(Enemy Hero) affected by: Buff/Debuff Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click on a buff or debuff indicator on your hero, or an enemy hero.
(I have / Enemy Hero has) x% HP y% Mana. Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click on your wellness or mana bar, or an enemy'due south.
(I take / Enemy Hero has) ten HP y Mana. Ctrl + Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click your wellness or mana bar, or an enemy'southward.
(I demand / Marry needs) x XP to accomplish Level y Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click the experience bar of an allied hero.
Enemy Hero is Level 10 Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click the experience bar of an enemy hero.
Glyph of Fortification
Glyph of Fortification ▶ Prepare Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click on the Glyph button.
Glyph of Fortification ▶ Don't Use however Ctrl + Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click the Glyph button.
Glyph of Fortification ▶ On Cooldown ( x seconds remain ) Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click the Glyph button when Glyph is on Cooldown symbol.png cooldown.
Buyback Condition
Buyback ▶ Ready Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click your gold counter, or buyback button while expressionless.
  • Buyback must be ready, and you must have sufficient gold.
Buyback ▶ Non Enough Gold (Need x) Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click your golden counter, or buyback button while dead.
  • You exercise not have plenty gilded for buyback.
Buyback ▶ On Cooldown (Time remaining) Alt + Keyboard White Mouse Left.png Left Click your gilt counter, or buyback button while expressionless.
  • Buyback must be on Cooldown symbol.png cooldown.

References [ ]

  1. 1.0 i.1 1.2 1.3 Danche response in TI half dozen Thou Finals Game iii (Source)
  2. 2.0 2.two two.3 v1lat response in TI5 1000 Final, Game 4 (Source)
  3. iii.0 3.1 3.2 three.three ReDeYe response in Frankfurt Major, EHOME vs LGD game three (Source)
  4. 4.0 4.i 4.2 Kyle while casting vs LGD, DAC 2018 Main Event Day 5 (Source)
  5. five.0 5.1 ODPixel while casting Squad Liquid vs Team Secret, ROG Dreamleague Major 2017 Grand Final Game ii(Source)
  6. vi.0 6.1 Ceb with OG watching TI True sight 2018 (Source)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Korean casters casting TI3 iG vs DK Game two (Source)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Korean casters casting TI3 iG vs DK Game 2 (Source)
  9. nine.0 nine.1 Korean casters casting TI3 iG vs DK Game 2 (Source)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Korean casters casting TI3 iG vs DK Game ii (Source)
  11. 11.0 11.1 Korean casters casting TI3 iG vs DK Game ii (Source)
  12. 12.0 12.ane Korean casters casting TI3 Na'6 vs Alliance game 5 Thou Finals (Source)
  13. Russian caster casting Team Liquid vs, DreamLeague Flavour 13:The Leipzig Major (Source)
  14. Invictus Gaming vs HellRaisers - Dota Summit 11 (Source)
  15. Russian casters casting Liquid vs Vici Gaming, EPICENTER Major game iv Grand Last (Source)
  16. SECRET vs EG - TI9 (Source)


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