Do We See the Equinox Crew Again on Voyager

  1. Mage

    Mage Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    Subsequently a few episodes of season half dozen, I basicly stopped watching Voyager, and simply cought several episodes hither and there.
    So, I was wondering, did we ever see the Equinox crew that were taken aboard Voyager again??
  2. Nope. Never.

    Non even mentioned.

    They disappeared in continuity.

  3. They went to the same night place that Janeway sent the Borg baby.
  4. Last edited: Apr 24, 2011
  5. The Voyager morgue? :devil:
  6. T'Girl

    T'Girl Vice Admiral Admiral

    Aug 20, 2009
    Janeway: "What's for breakfast Neelix?"

    Neelix: "Ah Captain, tempt yous with some fresh soylent green?"


  7. Really I retrieve they were stripped of rank and spent the rest of the trip scrubbing plasma thingies in the bowels of the ship, under guard the whole time. That's what should have happened, if Janeway folded them into her crew after they knowingly abased Voyager to their likely deaths she would exist a total sucker.

    I really liked Marla Gilmore who seemed to be in love with Ransom. If it was a different sort of show we would have seen more of her.

  8. They actually ended up back on Earth 2 years earlier Voyager. Little did Janeway know at that place was actually a pocket-sized wormhole in the darkest recesses of Voyager the entire time! An artifact of the Caretaker's displacement wave. Because they were selfish and traumatized and abandoned their Starfleet principles, they didn't tell anyone, only looked at each other silently, and ran into the wormhole.
  9. Emerging into infinite in the Alpha quadrant they promptly died.
  10. Followed past a vocalisation over past Rod Serling: "Case in indicate for those who step on people like rungs on a ladder, or in this instance killer space dolphins from another dimension. The mountaintop has a toll, and the pied piper must exist paid his due, and the wages of sin is decease, the burial plot in... the Twilight Zone."
  11. That was my first thought likewise. :lol: Just I similar the theory that they all ended upwards scrubbing out plasma conduits. Though IMO they should accept been used as background characters or something. 1 of the weaknesses of Voyager (as opposed to DS9 or nuBSG) is that they would often create a minor character and then forget that they existed.

    Of form there were some major exceptions like Ahni Jetal of the fifth flavor episode Latent Epitome:


    She was supposedly a very honey member of the crew who dies because the Doctor decides to operate on Harry Kim instead of her. Where in the world did she come from?

    Or think of Lyndsay Ballard:


    She was supposedly a member of the Voyager crew that Harry had a big beat on. Lyndsay was killed by the Hirogen (what season did they first appear?) and so afterward reappeared as a reanimated alien:


    We never saw her before the Season 6 episode Ashes to Ashes. It reminds me of Nikki and Paolo, survivors of Ocean Flight 815 who magically appeared in Season 3 of Lost (as if they had been in that location the whole time).

    I'one thousand non saying we should know everything about every modest character, but it was funny when some would pop up in a afterward season episode and everyone acted as if they were very popular membesr of the crew.

  12. Lynx

    Lynx Vice Admiral Admiral

    They joined............. (drum gyre and trumpet fanfare)

    The Shuttle And Torpedo Building Team! :beer:

    Voyager's true heroes!

    Greg Cox and Relayer1 similar this.
  13. ^Solved!!:lol:
  14. By providing their mass to be converted into free energy for the replicators!
  15. "Latent Image" and "Ashes to Ashes" were 2 of Voyager's strongest stories (except for the Kobali being able to comprehend somewhere in the ballpark of 35,000ly or so in so brusk a time). If the writers/producers were really good, which plainly they weren't, they would have seeded the show with at least a few extras who have at least decent acting power, have them be seen in several shots, occasionally speaking with crewmembers, then have them disappear and come up back later to fit in these stories. If nosotros saw Jetal or Ballard so they vanished and came back, people would have been proclaiming information technology as first-class writing. Both actresses played their role well enough to brand many of us viewers wish we saw them earlier and that they had scenes with Kim, Paris, etc. If they had a few of them, in case any ane of them landed a regular office on another tv show/picture show and couldn't appear, they'd take more than one to draw from.

    Voyager had far more than than 150 faces walking its corridors. There was some website that actually showed them all, forget what it was. There was some guy who was an extra on TNG in Season 7 and on Voyager likewise. And so of course, the most visible extra on Voyager was the elderly blackness man in a blue uniform who was as much a fixture in the mess hall as Morning was in Quark'south... until the Hirogen came! He was last seen correct before "The Killing Game" (implication: perhaps he was among the casualties alluded to in that episode).

  16. I remember a website like that.

    At that place was like 80ish named characters and almost xxx of those, had died (or left) on screen. However they doubled up a couple times since they had to count a couple "characters" twice as they had been gender aptitude, being referred to sometimes as a boy and sometimes as a girl that y'all had to wonder how many siblings were stationed on Voyager?

    Someone here said that John Savage was being clean-cut to replace Mulgrew if she got difficult duting contract negotiations... If so... Then some of the Equinox five (Marla and Noah evidently) would have been kept on if Kate got the flick... It make establish some level of continuity.

    Merely would that mean that they would take had to fire someone else on the master crew to make room for the Equinox "few"?

    Who was going to save y'all how that fourth dimension Kim?

  17. I'd love to see John Savage equally a starfleet captain but I tin can't imagine how they would take worked that without killing off Chakotay. Yes he outranks him only conspicuously his violations would exempt him from command, if he fifty-fifty was let out of the brig for walks.

    If he WAS the captain then Marla would speedily end upwardly in a Janice Rand positing I'd imagine.

  18. lurok

    lurok Rear Admiral Rear Admiral

    I couldn't remember any crew extras on VOY bar Ayala and Wildman. Clearly I need to watch again...
  19. Ayala was in 10 more episodes than Jeri Ryan (113 episodes).

    Sam was in 8 episodes.

    She is regarded as a MAJOR character, simply viii episodes in vii years?

    Fuck that.

    Voyagers producers didn't believe in character retentivity considering it costs more to use the same actors over and over once again, and they have no faith in their audience to remember shit, no, no they had consummate faith in their audition to carelessness Voyager if any story appeared which required having seen any other episode every made in any of the series.

  20. That'southward what I figured.
    They were beingness punished, there was no reason to see them once again.
    Bad people don't deserve to come across the light of 24-hour interval.:lol:
    However, I'd rather we non see the Equinox crew if they weren't going use them in a plot to requite reason for seeing them again.
    Information technology seemed pointless to have the histrion that played Lt. Carey brand cameo just to say "Can I help you lot, Lt.?"
    It seems a waste of money & time to bring an actor back to speak one line or walk by in the groundwork.

    Odd though, many say that not showing them again shows a lack of continuity on Voyager'due south part but nobody ever questions what happened to the Starfleet Security Chief that showed up during the second season of DS9.:alienblush:

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2011


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